Having trouble with drafts? Advice!

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If you have problems with draft coming out from your doors and windows than it is a good idea to:

  • Get new doors

This can be really  expensive but it will pay off in the future​. With those strapping conditions at your house from cold tohot in different seasons you have higher utility bills and as a result you pay more.With older, drafty doors letting the cool air out in the summer and the warm air in the winter, your heating and cooling bills are surely higher than they need to be.  And our service can help you to install doors for life!

  • Stop drafty windows

You may be having the same situation with utility bills when you have drafty windows. We know the best way to lower your utilities and that is to replace old windows with new, double-paned windows. These trap air between the panes, eliminating wasted energy in your home year round.

You may also want to consider weatherstripping doors, which is another great way to improve your home’s energy efficiency.

If you have drafty windows and doors in your home, don’t wait any longer to save energy. Contact Handyman today to get started on permanently lowering your utility costs.